
Photo Competition! Published: 01 Aug 2018

We are looking for dynamic and colourful pictures which illustrate your Vine Trust volunteering experience. The theme of the competition is ‘My Vine Trust Volunteering Experience’. Please read the below instructions and send your entry(s) to with the subject: Photo Competition. 

Good Luck! 

Entry Requirements

-The competition is open to all Vine Trust volunteers

-The picture may be of volunteering activity or the places and people you connected with.

- No more than five pictures per entrant

- Please include a short quote about why you’ve submitted each photo and which expedition it relates to (e.g., Peru Medical 2017, 'School' Academy Tanzania 2018). This may be because it highlights your favourite activity or location or because it had a life-changing impact.  

- Pictures must be digital and no bigger than 5MB, please email them to with the subject: Photo Competition 

- You must have permission from any other volunteers in your photo(s) and be sensitive to other cultures. If the picture involves any persons under the age of 18, you must obtain the consent of their parent or guardian.

- Entrants agree that by submitting the photo/s they give Vine Trust permission to use their first name, image and expedition description in promotional materials for Vine Trust.

The closing date is Sunday 19th August at midnight. Winners will be announced on our website and contacted on Friday August 24th


We hope that sharing your Vine Trust experience and helping us to raise valuable funds to continue our work is very rewarding for you. We do not offer cash prizes, however;

- If your entry is selected for our 2019 calendar, you will receive a free calendar

- If your entry is selected for our notelets, you will receive a free pack of notelets