
School Expedition Blogs

Galashiels Academy June 2024

Updated 02/07 Kwaheri (goodbye) from Tanzania! As we are about to board our final flight home it’s time to wrap up what has been one of the most unbelievable experiences ever. Throwing it back to Thursday which was a day of mixed emotions as we went to visit the home of Jackson and his granny, the family who Mr Gruba built a house for the first time he came to Tanzania 6 years ago with a previous group of students. Then on Friday we had our final visit to the site to say our goodbyes and hand over all our…

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Perth Grammar School June 2024

Updated 19th June 2024 Day 3 We played with the children on our worksites and brought bubbles and balloons for the local community. The boys bought footballs for the children at the site, after the one they had taken from Berea popped. We moved so much sand and gravel in the heat, which was more difficult than we thought. After a very well needed dinner we were able to sort through our donations into piles for the two families and a more general pile for the rest of the community.   Day 4 We moved 800 buckets full of sand…

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Milne’s High School June 2024

Updated 13th June 2024 Saturday 8th June We woke up on Saturday morning a little bit disappointed that we were not going back to our worksites, but we were happy to be able to spend the day as a whole group. It was an early rise so we had to be up, ready and down for breakfast by no later than 8am. The breakfast contained pancakes, toast and fruit, we then all packed our lunch box with chicken, mango juice, an orange and a crepe. We were taking part in a Climate Change activity and had a few Tanzanian students…

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