Robertson Trust T20 - Blog 5

Robertson Trust T20 - Blog 5

Our final day in Tanzania was filled with warm goodbyes. In the morning we visited both home-building sites and were able not only to say our final goodbyes to the families and the fundis, but also to see the incredible progress that had been made in the past few days. The team was astounded by the dedication and hard work of the fundis, and was amazed to see the homes nearing completion.

Having visited the sites, the volunteers were able to do some last minute shopping before heading back to Umoja Hostel for a final feedback and reflection session. The team all agreed their experience in Tanzania had had a positive impact on them and the families for whom they had built new homes, and that the positivity and friendliness of the Tanzanian people would stay with them forever.

With just enough time to present a goodbye gift to Elly (a mug with his catchphrase, “Hakuna Matata, No problem”), the team headed to the airport. 

The Robertson Trust volunteers arrived safely in Glasgow this afternoon after their flights home from Kilimanjaro.

Vine Trust would like to thank the Robertson Trust and the T20 team for their dedication, support and hard work, which has supported the efforts of Vine Trust and our partners, Tanzania Women Research Foundation (TAWREF), to improve the lives of vulnerable people in Tanzania. We hope that we will one day be able to welcome the scholars again to Tanzania, and say a big welcome - JAMBO!

Louise and the Tanzania Twenty

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